Saturday, January 7, 2012

Well... I did it.

Sounds ominous, right? WELL IT'S NOT. It's fucking awesome, is what it is! Well, for me anyway; it might be the downfall of civilization once it's unleashed upon an unsuspecting public but for now... oh, you want me to tell you what I'm talking about? Yeah, probably not a bad idea.

MY FUCKING NOVEL, that's what! I finally finished it, and though it needs a ton more work, that's a huge step. The novel has a beginning, a middle, and an end and while that probably seems like pretty standard stuff, it's a big thing for me.

See, I'm never short on ideas. Writer's block? Don't even believe it exists (editor's block is a different story, but that's beside the point; I have a secret weapon against that too). I have dictionaries, thesauri, and brilliant friends to tap for inspiration if I get stuck on something. I don't lack for resources, in short. What I do lack is staying power. I'm a little ADHD when it comes to writing. I'll get an awesome idea, write on it for a while, then think of something else and write on it for a while... meanwhile, nothing ever gets finished. My "stories in progress" file is enormous, while the "completed" file is... well, less enormous. In fact it's not enormous at all. My "in progress file" is to my "completed" file as a T-Rex is to a mosquito. But now the mosquito has gorged on the blood of the T-Rex and is one project fatter! Now to encase it in amber for future generations and.... I think I need a better analogy....

So, anyway it's something I've been working on. It was my goal for NaNoWriMo to actually finish not only the 50k, but the whole story as well, which I did. And now, many sleep deprived nights later, I've finished another novel I was working on. And quite frankly, it feels awesome. More than awesome. It feels unbelievable. I cannot even express how proud of myself I am, and how pleased I am to have seen this one to the end. It's probably too early to tell but there just might be hope for me after all.

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