Tuesday, May 15, 2012

July- A whole year of shit crammed into one month.

We've been talking about this for over a year.  We've been planning it for about half a year.  We've had our badges for a few months, our hotel reservations for a couple months as well... But only now is it really sinking in that I am GOING TO MOTHERFUCKING SAN DIEGO COMIC CON!!!!!  HOLY SHIT!!!

Okay, now that that's out of my system, I need to make sure you read that right.  I, DELEVA G. STANLEY AM GOING TO COMIC CON!  Did you get that?  Do I need to say it again?  I AM GOING TO COMIC CON!

Not trying to rub that in, but I've worked really hard to make this happen. Even though I've worked myself into the ground for it I still feel very blessed.  If nothing else, I feel lucky just to have gotten my badge, because the person I'm going with is a freaking awesome ninja who jumped straight into the queue and bought them for us while I was still trying to log in.  :)  I'm still working OT like nuts to make sure I have plenty of fun money.  But this is going to be the trip of a lifetime and it will SOOOOOO be worth it.  I'm checking the website every day to see if there are any updates about guests who are going. 

AND I just found out that through the mojo of friendship and this guy named Eric I am going to probably get a tour of Blizzard while I'm there also.

I'm also going to Westercon the weekend before.  Never been to a Westercon before so I'm looking forward to that, although it's going to be at the same hotel as Norwescon so I imagine it's going to be pretty similar.  :).  I'm doing the Writer's Workshop there so that oughta be exciting in the same way that it always is when you have stone cold writing pros critiquing your work.

AND my best friend Darla is going to be joining us for Comic-Con on Saturday, and then we are going to hang out together in So Cal for a few days, including another trip to Disneyland.  HOPEFULLY if I go in the middle of the touristy season I will be able to do Pirates of the Caribbean and the Haunted Mansion, which I totally didn't the last time.  We might even venture across the courtyard and check out more California Adventures, because we also didn't do that last time.  If I can talk her into it, I'm hoping for a stop by Camp Pendleton although hopefully this time there will be no catastrophic events that knock out the electricity for most of So Cal, leaving us with less than a 1/4 tank of gas and much further from home than that would get us.  :)

AND THEN, I am going to come back, work one day (probably, because I'm a masochist) and then hop a train to Portland for the weekend with my hubby and a few other friends. 

July is going to be very busy.  Part of it is going to be very hot because, yeah:  San Diego in July= hot as hell. 

But man, I am so looking forward to it.  And my gods, Facebook users beware.  I am going to be one picture posting bitch.  :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My Happy Place

Generally speaking, I am a very sociable person. I like hanging out with my friends and as far as I'm concerned, the more the merrier.  I like big parties.  I also like being the center of attention at said parties because I'm an attention whore.

But there are times... times like now... when my happy place looks like this: 

It's a ramshackle cabin.  It's nice on the inside, because I don't want to live in a dump, but from the outside, it looks very uninviting.  Like, Last House on the Left uninviting.   It sits on the edge of a dark and scary forest.  There is a sign on the outside warning of land mines, volatile indigenous wildlife, and mentally unstable landowners with large, probably illegal automatic weapons.  It sits on the inhospitable side of a large ravine with a rickety bridge as the only means of crossing.  The ravine, if I have my druthers, is named something like, "Never Found the Body Ravine" or "Only One In Twenty Makes It Ravine" or "Did You Win the Not Dying A Screaming Death Lottery Today, Because If Not I Wouldn't Try It Ravine." 

There is a river below.   A big, deep, terrifying one that was, preferably, featured on the show "River Monsters."  I'm flexible on whether or not there are actually river monsters in the river, but if there are, I would like them to be large and visible and kind of prehistoric looking.  And obviously aggressive.  If I can, I will arrange for a troll under the bridge that pops up and demands a completely unreasonable toll like Hitler's mustache hair, or a feather from a velociraptor (not that kind of velociraptor, the other kind... ) or the vas deferens from the ball sack of a leprechaun or something.

In my happy place, Klingon cloaking technology is readily available, and I will have that available to me as a last resort. 

The point is, no one can get to me.  No one can reach me.  I have my Kindle, my laptop to write on (but not access the internet) and a large stash of coffee and beer.

And that's it.